World Work Srl
Europe · Italy
- saliva ejectors, dental alloy, dental amalgam, dental products, dental devices
- 1984
- 9
- +39.0444.574297
- +39.0444.370543
- Daniela Baldissera

World Work is an italian company that produces from 1984 dental consumer materials of the latest generation for dental use : disposable saliva ejectors and dental alloy.
World Work began the production and marketing of dental amalgam and disposable saliva ejectors since 1984.
It stands as a highly respected reference for professionals in the sector. Impeccable quality is a resolute World Work prerogative: the company history is characterised by a progressive refinement of production technology, aimed at augmenting production capacity, as well as the constant improvement of the product.
Company know-how, strictly in-house, favours research in new materials and guarantees comprehensive and direct process control. The result can be seen at all levels: in the high product quality standards, recognised as the best on the reference market by its business partners; in the ability to offer customer-specific solutions on a daily basis, with packing systems studied even for the most unusual requirements; in the maximum focus on safety, both in terms of product (raw material selection, hygiene standards, etc…) and workers (standards for health and safety in the work place) and environmental protection.
The World Work Quality Management System is certified to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003.
To improve the distributionship our company is looking for distributors for North Europe, in particular: Danmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithania. If you are interested, please leave a your message!