Industry Associations by Sector
Mechanical engineering and foundry products
ACIMAC (Association of Italian Manufactures of Machinery and Equipment for Ceramics) include the majority suppliers of plant, machinery, equipment, semi-finished products, raw materials and services for the ceramic, heavy clay and refractories industries of the sector's companies of various sizes based throughout Italy.
ACIMALL (Italian Woodworking Machinery and Tools Manufacturers' Association) represents 174 companies that jointly employ approximately 9 thousand people and generate 1.8 billion Euro revenues, with an export share above 70 percent.
ACIMIT (Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers) is a private non-profit making body and its main purpose consists in promoting the Italian textile machinery sector and in supporting its activity.
AFEMO (Association of Jewellery Machinery Manufactures and Exporters) main scope is to maintain and facilitate direct contacts between Italian manufacturers of cutting-edge technologies and the goldsmiths all over the world.
AIAD (Italian Industries Association for Aerospace Systems and Defence) includes almost all the italian enterprises that operate with advanced technology in the design, production, research and services activities for the civil and military aerospace, military navy and army sectors along with all the related electronic systems connected to these sectors.
AICA (Italian Automotive Service Equipment Manufacturers Association) represents Italian garage equipment manufacturers at national and international levels.
AMAFOND (Italian Association Producers of Foundry Products and Machines) is the italian Association of companies which produce machinery, plants, furnaces products and services for the foundry industry.
ANFIA (Italian Motor Industry Association) is one of the main Trade Associations within Confindustria and is the networking and strategic benchmark between the automotive trade and the Italian and international political and institutional scene.
ANIMA (Federation of the Italian Associations of Mechanical and Engineering Industries) is the industrial organization which within Confindustria represents companies of mechanics, which employ 212.000 employees for a turnover of more than 45 billion Euro and export share / turnover of 58%.
ASSIOT (Italian Association of Gears and Trasmission Elements Manufacturers) has a hundred companies with about 14.000 employees and about 70% of the representativeness of the sector.
ASSOCOMAPLAST (Italian Plastics and Rubber Processing Machinery and Moulds Manufacturers' Association) represents about 165 important companies, Italian plastics and rubber machinery, ancillary equipment and moulds manufacturers.
ASSOFLUID (Italian Association of Manufacturing and Trading Companies in Fluid Power Equipment and Components) is the Italian Association of Manufacturing and Trading Companies in Fluid Power Equipment and Components, with 190 companies members that represents 70% of the Italian market and employee approximately more than 14,000 people.
ASSOMAC (Italian Association of Manufacturers of Machines for Footwear, Leather Goods and Tanneries) has about 320 members among producers of marble, granite and other ornamental stones and makers of machines, tools and equipment to work them.
ASSOMARMOMACCHINE (Italian Ornamental Stones and Stone Processing Machinery and Equipment Producers Association) is the association which gathers about 150 Italian companies manufacturing machines and accessories for footwear, leathergoods and tanning companies.
FEDERACCIAI (Italian Steel Makers and Transformers Association) gathers about 130 member firms producing and transforming over 95% of the Italian steel output.
FEDERUNACOMA (Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation) brings together, and represents in Italy and abroad, the associations of Italian manufacturers of implements (Assomao), self-propelled machines (Assomase), tractors (Assotrattori), components (Comacomp) and gardening machinery (Comagarden).
GIMAV (Italian Glass-Processing Machinery and Accessories Suppliers' Association) plays a fundamental role in the entire glass industry both nationally and internationally: the member companies, accounts for approx. 80% of the industry's total turnover and for 77% of total exports by Italian manufacturers of machinery, accessories and special products for glass processing.
OICE (Association of Engineering, Architectural and Technical-Economic Consulting Organizations) represents Italian engineering, architectural and technical economic consulting organizations.
UCIF (Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers' Association) represents over 58% of Italian production of machines and finishing equipment, a sector in our country has over 2.000 employees for a turnover per annum than 620 million euro and an export share of consolidated 69%.
UCIMU (Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machine Tools, Robots, Automation Systems and Ancillary Products) has today over 200 associate member companies, which account for over 70% of the Made in Italy of the sector.
UPIVEB (Italian Association of Fasteners Manufacturers) gathers as members all the Italian fastener manufacturers who have reached the highest production efficiency levels, and are in a position to offer advanced products, the high quality of which is officially recognized and appreciated by both the domestic and the international markets.