Barausse SpA

Via Parmesana, 27 - 36010 Monticello Conte Otto (Vicenza)
Europe · Italy
  • quality residential interior doors, quality business interior doors, quality hotels interior doors, inside doors for homes, inside doors for companies, inside doors for hotels
  • 1967
  • +39.0444.900000
  • +39.0444.900019
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Barausse Spa has been producing high quality designer interior doors for residential, business and hotel applications since 1967.


More than 40 years of experience in the design and production of inside doors for homes, companies and hotels.  Constant evolution keeps Barausse in tune with the market, keeping the main principles strong:  the guaranteed quality of the products and the proposal of exclusive solutions that are marked by technological innovation and style.

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Location: Europe, Italy

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